If your property is in foreclosure, you may be contacted by various individuals/companies attempting to “assist” you in avoiding foreclosure or recovering surplus funds resulting from the foreclosure sale. You may even have some questionable characters actually knock on your door soliciting this “service”.
Before signing anything, ask to see the following credentials:
If the individual/company does not have the above-mentioned credentials, consider other options before signing or agreeing to anything. If you have any questions regarding alternatives, please feel free to contact one of our expert consultants. We cannot provide legal advice, but our experience in the industry and desire to set the standard for professionalism requires us to provide you with this information. Vesco Services, LLC. is available to discuss several options that can assist you. No matter whom you sign with, be informed and be leery of anyone knocking on your door or contacting you that doesn’t have these credentials. You have struggled enough, why risk more without knowing your options?